5 Steps to Healing from a Narcissistic or Toxic Relationship

5 Steps to Healing from a Narcissistic or Toxic Relationship with a Manipulative Person Who Has Betrayed You

  1. No or Low Contact
    The first step is creating space. For many women I work with, they know deep down that staying in the relationship is bad for them—but letting go isn’t easy. It’s painful, confusing, and often feels like an emotional tug-of-war. So, if this doesn’t resonate with you yet, you might want to scroll on. But here’s the thing: No or low contact is essential for healing. This isn’t just about not talking to them—it means no social media checking, no conversations through mutual friends, and no constant emotional back-and-forth. Why? Because the more you engage, the harder it is for your nervous system to regulate. The goal is to create a safe emotional space where you can heal, without the constant pull of the toxic energy.

  2. Identification
    Next, you need to identify what made the relationship toxic or abusive. Sometimes...

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